Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I-O-Way...Caucases? Who the hell cares?

From Jim: The Iowa Republican Party scene is only missing floppy shoes and bulbous red noses to have the whole package. The Newtster, stung by the negative ads, which are a litany of his life choices, and which he has "born again" repented from, calls the Mittster a liar, but still more acceptable that Mr. Obama. Michele can't get even the folks in Iowa to buy her bilge water and Perry is too busy forgetting his own talking points to inspire these Mid-Americans. Then there's the Paul father and son team. Libertarians, which many in Iowa misunderstood as librarians and felt people that like books would probably be OK. Well, anyway, these simple God fearing folks will gather to cast meaningless non-binding "double secret probation" ballots at their friends' homes or down at the Grange hall. Maybe at the BPOE or such. There will be speechifying to offer up support, hoping to influence the majority "undecided" voters. All told, this process involves hundreds, maybe even thousands of participants. More people went to the meaningless Rose Bowl game. (Sorry Ducks' fans) And the national press, staring into the 24 hour news cycle abyss, has done their best to make this mean something-Iowa, not the Rose Bowl, even the national press has it's limits. Soon the "winner" will sally forth, across the land to announce the mandate given by the Iowa Juggernaut. I never think of Iowa for even 1 second, except when this nonsense is going on. I really mean, "Who the hell cares"? Well, you say, this is the ramp up for New Hampshire. I reply, "Who the hell cares about that either"? The question that has plagued the Republicans this is who is electable that can appease the Tea Party wing of the party. The answer, of course, is NO ONE! The Tea Party isn't interested an election, when there's a perfectly good violent overthrow to be had. Bring on the Brown Shirts! Why have primaries when you can have a night of broken glass? I think the Reps will get Romney. He's a nice Mormon guy, who has racism well founded in his cultest belief system-gotta love them Laminites, mark of God and all that. Can't you just hear the leering voice of Limbaugh now. Using his talent "on loan from God" to try and justify Romney's candidacy. I may chip in for some floppy shoes and a rainbow Afro or two. The really sad thing is, Iowa is iconic of what's truly gone wrong with our republic. We are no longer a people with a shared common vision. We don't have a sense of Americanism or core values as a people. The inner city minority kid and the Iowa farm boy aren't pointed in the same direction. King corn is crowned by subsidies, but poor kids are welfare brats. Self reliance can't give up reliance on government hand outs. But it's farming, you say. No, it's government welfare. Without the large West and East coast state economies kicking in billions of dollars, Iowa would be worth about $2500 lock, stock, and barrel. Their valuable black gold farm land would just grow amber waves of grain, traded on the world economy by multinational corporations. Oops, that's what they're doing and getting subsidies to boot. On to New Hampshire brave lads and lassies, on to New Hampshire!

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